Can You Remodel In Atlanta During The Coronavirus Pandemic?

A construction worker wearing a hard hat and gloves.

“Stay at home and minimize movement as much as you can” has been a popular quote since the Coronavirus pandemic began to set motion. With a lot of things being put to halt, you’ve probably realized that you’ve got a lot of time than ever before. Whether you are looking for a distraction during these lonely and idle quarantine times or a remodel was part of your annual plans this year, it’s possible to go ahead with your projects as planned. But how do you proceed with the remodeling in Atlanta during this Coronavirus outbreak?

A client’s take

Your safety during the remodeling period significantly depends on both a client’s and a remodeling contractor’s ability to adhere to safety regulations. We get it: you are probably too sensitive and apprehensive about letting anyone into your safe haven that’s your home. That’s understandable. We are going to guide you through safety measures to take before, during, and after the remodeling process.

Go virtual

Use the internet

When looking for a remodeling contractor during this Coronavirus pandemic, you might want to limit your movements. You’ve probably adjusted to this lifestyle over the past few weeks, making minimal interactions with people unless necessary. Consider using online resources such as business websites and social media pages to gauge the quality and expertise of your prospective contractors. Check out their online reviews from previous clients. A good contractor will have many positive reviews speaking for him or her. Browse their website to see how they are protecting their business during this pandemic.

Make calls

Instead of risking your safety by going over to the contractor’s physical office, consider making calls when inquiring for their availability and services. Make a phone call and ask your questions. At the moment, you would expect that most company representatives are working from home unless if it’s not possible. Save your time, energy, and resources by making quick calls to ensure that your prospective remodeling company is still in operation. You could also ask for quotations after explaining your remodeling plans. The contractor will ask to come and view your house or site in order to give you a more accurate estimate. This is a good sign, but a huger task awaits you.

Prepare your home

You are probably safe if you’ve had no interactions with people coming in from outside. However, with a remodeling contractor coming in to inspect the renovation site, you might want to set a few precautions in place. It’s important to note that the virus spreads through contact with an infected person. You might want to invest in the following things:

  • Hand sanitizer.
  • Clean running water and hand soap.
  • Face masks and gloves for you and the contractors when interacting.

Ensure that every visitor in your home, coming in for the renovation purpose must sanitize and wash their hands appropriately. If coming into your home isn’t necessary, explore other virtual measures. Avoid handshakes and close contact with contractors and any company representatives. This should be the norm throughout the renovation process.

A remodeling contractor’s take

The Coronavirus pandemic has taken a toll on businesses. Renovation companies now strive to protect both employees and clients by taking various precautions to minimize the risk of infections and spread. Remodeling companies have invested heavily in special measures and technology to make remodeling in Atlanta possible for all clients. If you have been thinking about upgrading your kitchen, bathroom, or replacing your windows, don’t let this pandemic stop you. Most firms have put the following steps in motion to help keep the businesses running, protect clients, and curb the pandemic.

Outside consultations

Most businesses have closed down, excluding essential service providers. We will provide an overview of our consultation through the phone, video call, or online meetings. Our setup will guide you through what to expect from our renovation projects. We will send you a portfolio for you to browse through our previous work and determine if we are the right person for the job. General estimates can be made via the phone, keeping in mind there might be some adjustments during the contract period. Nonetheless, some estimates require in-home inspection.

During in-home inspection

After it’s been settled that an in-home inspection is necessary, a contractor will show up on your doorstep. We will send a minimum number of contractors who are healthy and well equipped with safety equipment. Every contractor must have a personal sanitizer, a face mask, and gloves to put both the contractor and client safe.

As renovations cannot be handled virtually, we have taken the necessary steps to train employees on the following things:

  • Sanitizing materials used for the renovation.
  • Cleaning and sanitizing the renovation site thoroughly.
  • We are maintaining social distancing.
  • No handshakes and close interactions even among the contractors.
  • Quick and haste completion of remodeling contracts.
  • We will only come to your house if it’s necessary.
  • Personal hygiene is paramount.

Are these precautions enough to take you through the remodeling process?

FD Remodeling in Atlanta will keep you busy through this difficult period. In order to protect you and your loved ones, renovation contractors are trying everything in their hands to make remodeling projects safe through the above-implemented techniques. You might also want to ensure that every contractor in your home follows up with the safety guidelines for everyone’s protection. We encourage homeowners to deep-clean and sanitize your homes after every renovation or contact with an outsider.

Although the Coronavirus pandemic has interrupted your lifestyle, plans, and daily life, it shouldn’t be the reason why you can’t enjoy the latest upgrades in your home. At a time where you spend most of your time at home, transform it into your safe haven. You won’t get a better chance! We are open for you.
